A instructor in California revealed her means of serving to students share their emotions, and now lecture rooms all over the world are following swimsuit.

Erin Castillo, a particular schooling instructor at John F. Kennedy High School in Fremont, Calif., initially posted about her “mental health check-in chart” on Instagram earlier this yr. 

The chart, which contains a vary of emotions from “I’m great” to “I’m in a really dark place,” requested students to write their identify on the again of a Post-it and stick it to the row that finest described their emotions.

Castillo’s authentic submit, which resurfaced on World Mental Health Day this Thursday, has obtained greater than 7,500 likes. The idea itself has unfold far past that although, with Castillo saying she’s heard from academics in far-away locations like New Zealand and Africa who’ve designed their very own model. 

“I never expected it to get beyond my following,” Castillo informed “Good Morning America” in April. “To see this being used in multiple countries around the world… to hear actual stories of people helping their students — I’m really overwhelmed with joy.” 

Castillo mentioned she designed the chart — which she based mostly a digital model utilized by one other instructor — to help kids search help once they want it. The “I’m struggling” row of the poster is supposed for students who’re feeling unhealthy however are attempting to work by it themselves. Meanwhile, the rows under which are for students who require emotional help.

“I’ve had a lot of students in the last five years of my career that have struggled with self-confidence, self-doubt, image, had suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide and, after seeing all that, I’ve been making it a theme in my classroom and trying to check in with them,” Castillo informed “Good Morning America.”

The instructor reemphasized her dedication to these concepts on Thursday, sharing her personal World Mental Health Day submit. In it, she implored her followers to concentrate to younger folks once they strive to specific their feelings.  

“Remind students that their feelings are valid. And they are ENTITLED TO THEM. Who are we to tell them what to feel and when,” her submit learn. 

It’s tough to measure what number of academics have crafted their very own variations of Castillo’s chart, however a number of did share their creations to Instagram within the months following her authentic submit. 

“If it can help one student, then it’d be better than where we’re at now,” Castillo informed “Good Morning America.” “I hope it gets to a place where we can talk about our struggles openly and our mental health. This looks like a step in the right direction.”