September 28, 2019 12:23 IST


September 28, 2019 12:59 IST

September 28, 2019 12:23 IST


September 28, 2019 12:59 IST


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This World Tourism Day, let’s take a trip into the unknown. Let us discover some unfrequented locations.

This World Tourism Day (September 27) let’s take a look at a few of the least visited locations world wide. These nations have a low variety of vacationer both on account of numerous causes — both political, or lack of promoting. But regardless of the purpose, travelling to an unexplored territory creates in you a way of discovery.

In Turkmenistan in Central Asia, bordered by the Caspian Sea and largely coated by the Karakum Desert, you can go trekking on horses or camels or wander via the character reserve.

In São Tomé and Príncipe in Africa you can go diving, fishing and whale watching. It is part of a volcano chain that options putting rock and coral formations, rainforests and seashores.

Far from the general public eye is Equatorial Guinea in Central Africa. It contains the Rio Muni mainland and 5 volcanic offshore islands. Beautiful, white sand seashores, a rainforest that’s residence to endangered primates and seashores that host nesting sea turtles.

In the Republic of Kiribati, a sovereign state in Micronesia within the central Pacific Ocean, probably the most iconic facet of the tradition is the Kiribati dance, characterised by sharp birdlike actions of the top.

Marshall Islands within the Pacific Isles is the place you can scuba dive right into a ship graveyard. In Djibouti, perched between Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, the draw is its white-salt seashores that ring the hyper-saline Lake Assal, whereas steam pours from the Ardoukoba volcano and camels graze amidst lunar towers in Lake Abbé. Niue, a Polynesian island has a rugged and cave-pocked coast that’s etched in sharp coral. Leptis Magna, east of Tripoli, Libya, is a serious metropolis of the Roman Empire that has some nicely-preserved Roman ruins.

Tuvalu, Montserrat, American Samoa, Comoros, Solomon Islands and Nauru… are another locations you can try if you happen to want to go on an unpredictable vacation.

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