The deceased RSS activist Pankaj, 23, was an undergraduate scholar of the Swami Kalyandev Degree College and hailed from the identical village.


Updated:September 16, 2019, 9:37 AM IST Girl's Father, Brother Kill RSS Worker for Stalking and Harassing Her in UP's Muzaffarnagar

Image for illustration.

Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh): An RSS employee was killed for allegedly stalking a woman in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar district, police have mentioned.

A father and son duo has been arrested in the case and each have admitted to the crime.

According to the police, the incident passed off in the Karwara village on Saturday night. The father and his son killed the RSS employee as a result of he had been stalking and harassing his daughter for a very long time.

The deceased RSS activist Pankaj, 23, was an undergraduate scholar of the Swami Kalyandev Degree College and hailed from the identical village.

The Muzaffarnagar Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Abhishek Yadav mentioned that the accused had confessed to the crime. He mentioned that the physique of the deceased was recovered from the forest space in Harsauli village.

Pankaj had left house on Saturday along with his good friend Sonu on a motorbike. He acquired a name after which he requested Sonu to return and mentioned he would return later.

When he didn’t return house until late in the night time, his relations lodged a criticism with the police.

The police discovered some blood stains on the spot the place Pankaj had requested Sonu to return house. Later, Pankaj’s physique was recovered from the forest.

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