Sarjun’s Blood Money launched in OTT is a suspense drama. Actress Priya Bhavani Shankar performs the lead function and actors Kishore, Shirish performs the vital roles within the film. Blood Money is produced by Irfan Malik on behalf of Emperor Entertainment. Screenplay, dialogue are by Sankar Dass, digital camera by G Balamurugan, music by Satish Ragunathan, artwork by Surya Rajeevan and enhancing by Prasanna

The film speaks about travails of two Tamil, who migrates to Kuwait for career. And what a journalist does to get them out of the unusual scenario. It additionally emphasizes the function of media in bringing a few change of mindset in at this time’s society.

Kishore performs a helpless father of a daughter. Priya Bhavani Shankar has carried out a beautiful job. A girl-centric movie and he or she shoulders main burden. Shirish is cool and brainy. Kishore emotes at his greatest.

* Kishore, Priya Bhavani Shankar
* Music

* Second half
* A weak climax

Verdict – Worth a watch

Rating : three/5 



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